
Qualified Custodian

Aegis Prime




The Value of Execution Within Custody Services

As skepticism of the digital asset industry continues following the collapse of industry giants such as FTX and Genesis, the need for digital asset protection is needed now more than ever. In this climate, qualified custodians will be pivotal in repairing and expanding the crypto community.

Custody services are a vital aspect of the financial industry, providing safekeeping and management of assets on behalf of clients. In addition to custody services, execution services have seen increased demand as financial institutions aim to streamline operations and provide a seamless user experience.

One of the main benefits of execution within custody services is the ability to resolve an element of market fragmentation. Traditionally, financial institutions would have to rely on multiple execution partners to access different markets or asset classes. This fragmentation can lead to inefficiencies, like increased or decreased costs and longer execution times. When you integrate execution services within a custodian, financial institutions are able to access a wider range of markets and asset classes through one single platform, reducing fragmentation and improving overall efficiency. This will lead to increased diversification and potential returns on client investments.

To provide this value for clients, Aegis Custody has taken strides to partner with key industry players to offer execution services through flexible API solutions. Integrating electronic execution through APIs enables financial institutions to automate execution processes, further reducing fragmentation and improving efficiency. This automation allows for flexibility, faster execution times (reducing the risk of market fluctuations affecting the price of digital assets), as well as increased accuracy and reduced errors.

These execution partnerships will enable our clients to deploy fiat to crypto, swap and trade crypto to crypto, and facilitate flexible staking with our custodial solutions. Security, trust, and compliance are of the utmost importance to us, and we aim to take purposeful steps to ensure the entire digital asset investment process is safeguarded with institutional-grade, regulated security. Industry collaboration will be pivotal to delivering innovative and comprehensive staking solutions that allow clients to navigate the current market without the uncertainty and doubt so many are facing today.

To learn more about Aegis Custody and our comprehensive suite of solutions, we encourage you to fill out the following form or email info@aegiscustody.com.