
Qualified Custodian

Aegis Prime






Inspect received data with multiple powerful databases to comply with regulatory requirements.

What Is KYC and AML?

AML refers to the legal and regulatory framework that financial institutions must follow to prevent money laundering. KYC is more specific and relates to verifying a customer’s identity, which is a key part of the overall AML framework. Both aspects are important to prevent criminals from becoming customers and need to be applied to constantly monitor transactions for suspicious activities.

AML regulations can vary by each jurisdiction or country, which means that financial institutions must implement appropriate KYC procedures that comply with each set of AML standards.

Know Your Customer (KYC)

  • An imperative component within the battle against financial crime and money laundering. Identity verification is the most critical aspect as it is the first step for better performance in the other stages of the process.
  • KYC procedures aid in the prevention of identity theft, money laundering, financial fraud, terrorism financing, and other types of financial crimes. Noncompliance can result in severe penalties.

Anti-Money Laundering (AML)

  • Refers to the activities that financial institutions engage in to ensure compliance with legal requirements to actively monitor for and report suspicious activity.
  • The detection of suspicious activity, risk assessment, internal practices, AML training and independent audits are the three most essential aspects in complying with AML regulations.
KYC & AML Coverage

We provide KYC & AML operational services leveraging multiple powerful databases and service providers. All screenings are conducted by trained officers following the guidelines to ensure the results are reliable.






Document Verifications


PEP & Sanctions Lists


Trusted Legal, News & Public Records


Crypto Blacklist Addresses

Integration & Features

Integrable KYC/AML screening services that suit the regulatory needs to operate your business.

SDK Integration

Ready templates that can be directly added to your own platform

Automatic Screening

Identity verification and AI facial recognition conducted by automatic screening

API Integration

Ready interface that can be redirected from your own platform for identity verification uploads

Manual Inspection

All alerted received applications are manually inspected by professionally-trained officers

Webhook Integration

Results can be sent across automatically via webhooks

Crypto AML Risk Detection

All incoming and outgoing transactions and cash-flows are automatically inspected by the system

Need Regulation?
Let Aegis takes care of your KYC/AML needs.