
Qualified Custodian

Aegis Prime





Custody services are offered through Aegis Custody Company Limited, a licensed Trust or Company Service Provider in Hong Kong and Aegis Trust Company, a licensed trust company chartered in South Dakota. Aegis Custody Company Limited licenses software solution called DigiQuick, Ovault, AegisRamp and AegisPen, proprietary software solutions and hardware multi-sig wallet developed by Aegis Custody Co., Ltd., an entity in Taiwan. Aegis Custody Company Limited and Aegis Custody Co. Ltd. are affiliated companies.

Aegis Custody Company Limited

Aegis Custody Company Limited (together with its affiliates, “Aegis”) is a Hong Kong Licensed Trust or Company Service Provider. Aegis provides administrative and custodial services for its clients.

Aegis Trust Company

Aegis Trust Company (“ATC”) is a licensed trust company chartered in South Dakota. ATC offers custodial services to eligible clients. ATC is not engaged in the offer, sale, trading or lending of securities or digital assets. ATC is a wholly-owned, separately operated subsidiary of AegisCo Holding Company Limited.

Aegis Custody Co., Ltd.

Digital asset software solutions provided by Aegis Custody Co., Ltd., an entity in Taiwan. Aegis Custody Co., Ltd. is not engaged in the business of the offer, sale or trading of securities or digital assets.

None of the above mentioned Aegis entities are registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange (SEC), the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), have a broker-dealer license in any jurisdiction, or are protected by the FDIC insurance. No legal, tax, investment, or other advice is provided by any Aegis entity. Please consult your legal/tax/investment professional for questions about specific circumstances.

Last edited: 30 Apr 2022